Southern Garden Solutions

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Startups and Serendipity

Sometimes life throws amazing opportunities your way by a series of events. I had no intention of starting a business in 2020…I mean seriously, this year has been insane! Not only am I a wife, mother of 3, homeschooling mom at that, but also I’m a Realtor and the market has been HOT! To say I’m busy is an understatement. Sometimes though you can’t help but see the multiple signs of a course you should possibly pursue. That is how it happened with this business...

When we shut down in South Carolina in March, I began catching up on some landscape maintenance. I finished our front landscaping and began a project in the back. As I was in the midst of this project, my husband came out to watch (He enjoys that part. ;) and stated, “You would really enjoy playing in the dirt all day, wouldn’t you?” To which I replied with a grin, “Yes, I absolutely would!”

Fast forward a few months to July and my mother tags me in a post about gardening on Facebook. I love to garden and I’m sure I can learn something from this person, so I did the next obvious thing…I signed up! Lo and behold it wasn’t really about gardening, per se, but more about learning to help others garden and designing beautiful gardens too! I thought this right here is how I can earn income for my family and do something I’m passionate about…helping others and playing in the dirt!

Needless to say, I have begun the journey and am looking forward to every bit of it. I know there is a lot to learn and a lot of growing (pun intended) to do. Life has a funny way of putting signs in the road for you. I will always look back and think of “serendipity” when I reflect on this new venture.

P.S. To top all this off, I received t-shirts from 3 separate friends for my birthday in the summer. Can you guess what the theme was? Yep! Each shirt had something to do with plants.