Southern Garden Solutions

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Raised Beds or In-Ground Gardens?

Why not both?

There are pros and cons to both raised beds and in-ground gardening. I like a mixture of both, but it really depends on what you want to grow.

First let’s talk about raised beds…

Raised beds are one of the quickest and easiest ways to get started with gardening. You control the soil in the bed which usually leads to a great first harvest. Having control over your soil makes a difference for a few reasons:

  1. Drainage, our clay soil holds water.

  2. Fertilized soil, a good mix feeds your plants.

  3. Warmer soil temperatures earlier in the season.

Another factor to think about with raised beds is size. The size of your beds depends on how much you want to grow. Quite a bit of veggies can be grown in a 4 foot by 4 foot bed, especially if you grow vertically. I recommend beds at least 2.5 feet tall but no more than 3.5 feet tall. The taller the bed, the easier to tend. I have had the standard beds from the box stores, 4 foot by 4 foot and 1 foot high. Bending over to tend those beds was not my favorite past time. Even though I was younger, my back would still stiffen up. I found myself not wanting to do the pruning or weeding…not enjoying my garden. Deeper beds also allow for deeper rooted veggies like carrots, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

I also have found it easier to manage covers on raised beds. You can buy different hoops or make hoops from pvc, find the appropriate cover for the season/purpose, grab some clips, and cover away!

Raised beds solve quite a few problems when starting up a garden!

Now to in-ground gardening…

In-ground gardening can be cheaper than raised beds. “Can be” because it depends on the soil and what amendments you need. You can definitely start with a smaller plot and bring in a dump truck of soil to amend your native soil.

There is less initial work. A few amendments and you’re ready to rock and roll! Just take time to plan your space with either rows or something similar to square foot gardening.

Easy to move! If you’re not staying in your current space long, in-ground is the way to go. You can still enjoy a harvest without a huge initial investment. Also depending on your space, there is room to move trellises around, rotate crops, or expand your garden.

In-ground gardening is a good option for a cheaper start or short-term.

Reasons for both…

I like raised beds for the reasons named above, but I enjoy planting corn, okra, or potatoes. I am 5’4” and shrinking daily, so trying to harvest corn or okra in a bed that is 3 feet tall is not going to be so easy. I would need a stepping stool for the garden at that point and if there is an issue with pests, add in more complications. On the other hand potatoes like to be mounded, so it’s best to start in ground and mound as they grow. (But there are options for potatoes in raised beds.)

For these reasons, I like a mix of raised and in ground. Taller (or even wider plants) for in-ground, and raised beds for everything else. Ultimately though, I think it’s more important to GROW! Whether raised or in-ground, choose one and get started!! You won’t regret the fruits of your labor, especially as you bite into a garden fresh veggie and really taste the difference between garden grown and store bought!

Are you looking to add raised beds to your garden? Or maybe you’re not sure what, how much, or where to plant?

Head over to my store. There you will find a form for raised beds, Consultations to help you with what/how much to plant, or a Design Consultation to help you figure out where you want your garden to grow!

If you have other questions or really just don’t know where to start, head over to my contact page and fill out the form. We will contact you and get you started on the right path!